Notes on implementing sorting in REST API.
Query parameter: sort
With relation database at back, I would be using order by
SQL clause while querying the db and it goes like order by col_name desc
Therefore, I need to implement a way for API clients to pass this info, which is:
- column name
- order direction
So we can ask this info as:
- two separate query parameters
OR - one query parameter with column name and order direction combined using a separator
For now I'll go ahead with second option as I am thinking of supporting sorting by multiple columns as well thus second option seems straight forward simple to me.
Below will be the format:
GET /stocks?sort=price:desc
for multi-column sort:
GET /stocks?sort=price:desc&sort=name:asc
For security against SQL injections, I am going to implement a simple whitelist approach. Wherein the column name and sort direction will be checked against a predefined column name list and asc/desc values. Not so fancy but works.
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